Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello there people! Welcome to my blog,i hope you'll embrace it. From now on my name is "Sassy" for you,and the code for our communication as well. 
I wanted my first post to be about people.People who need people,that's right.
Why do YOU think you need people?And more importantly,do you know people?For instance,the people of your city.Can you say with certainty that you know the delivery boy that rings your bell,your mayor or your manicurist?It has become very obvious to me lately that i know ENOUGH people in my city since i always bump into acquaintances eve-ry-whe-re.To be more exact,i know people that work at Starbucks,the bus driver,the actors,the bikers,the journalists,the bloggers,the teachers,the plummer,the psychologists,the scientists,the lifeguards,the models,the activists,the football players,the writers etc
Of course they don't know everything about ME.And that's another topic,how deeply we let  people we encounter to really and actually know us,but that will be another post.

The point is that we are THE sociable animal.The worst punishment we can receive is jail,and that is because being in a cage means being alone,away from other people,your animal friends.When we feel lonely,we call someone,we seek for a hug,a kiss,some sex,we meet the people that we 've chosen as safe for taking care of these needs and go out.Or stay home.And play table games,and laugh,and become kids again.And we go to a basketball game or a concert or a protest,and we can smell the crowd.We see them,the other people,they are there,and everything is in place.

It's not always fun,it can cause trouble sometimes,but the fact is this and remember it: you need people and they need you.We are made to be together and we will interact until we die.And that's a good thing.Nobody,and by that i mean NOBODY wants to die alone.
At this blog i am gonna try to impart my ideas and my thoughts about how you and i can live.Laugh more,love more,grow up better.If it will be for the best,only time will show.
So stop whining and do something useful instead with your people.Sing to them,push them to wake up,run with them,stare them,eat an ice cream and fight for tomorrow together.
Who did you meet today?Try to meet new people,don't stay only with the old ones.
Stay tuned for the next post,

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